The solution is simple!
The solution is simple!
About Us
“IT Services – Engineering iMBTech Grude” is a relatively young IT company with an impressive number of completed projects. We develop comprehensive information technology application and communication solutions for our clients. We offer services for creating software solutions tailored to the client’s needs, as well as ready-made software solutions (RaPTiS – Computer program for trade and warehouse, VOPAsoft – web app/mobile app for fleet records and statistics, MANGONEsoft – web app/mobile app – software solution for commercial travelers/commercialists). We also provide services: programming and designing websites, creating mobile applications, designing and digitally preparing posters and all kinds of promotional materials, network configuration, and maintenance.
About Us
“IT Services – Engineering iMBTech Grude” is a relatively young IT company with an impressive number of completed projects. We develop comprehensive information technology application and communication solutions for our clients. We offer services for creating software solutions tailored to the client’s needs, as well as ready-made software solutions (RaPTiS – Computer program for trade and warehouse, VOPAsoft – web app/mobile app for fleet records and statistics, MANGONEsoft – web app/mobile app – software solution for commercial travelers/commercialists). We also provide services: programming and designing websites, creating mobile applications, designing and digitally preparing posters and all kinds of promotional materials, network configuration, and maintenance.
Programming, Software Development
We develop comprehensive software solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. We create programs customized to your business, your business goals, and your needs. Additionally, we offer ready-made software solutions – RaPTiS (Computer program for trade and warehouse), VOPAsoft (web app/mobile app for fleet records and statistics), MANGONEsoft (web app/mobile app – software solution for commercial travelers/commercialists). The technologies we use in the development of our software solutions include: Visual Basic, C, C#, C++, PHP, Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Microsoft SQL Server database, MySQL, Postgresql, Symfony framework…
Website, Web Design, Webshop Development
Programming and designing websites and webshops according to clients’ preferences. All websites we create are mobile responsive. The technologies we use in website development include Wordpress (the most widespread and well-known CMS), Symfony framework, HTML, CSS, PHP, Ajax, jQuery, Java, JavaScript, GO. We also offer website hosting services, but if you have an existing hosting provider, we will ensure that your website is uploaded to your hosting provider’s server.
RaPTiS - Computer Software for Commerce and Storage
RaPTiS – Computer Program for Trade and Warehouse meets all your business needs. RaPTiS is an adaptable inventory management program that provides you with a straightforward overview of your warehouse status, issued invoices, list of debtors, client database, supplier list, and comprehensive records of: expenditures, income, return of purchased goods, return of sold goods, profit margin, and many other options and reports.
RaPTiS is a multi-user program, meaning it can be installed on multiple computers within a company that are connected to the same server/database.
Mobile App Development
Development of iOS and Android mobile applications, as well as uploading them to the App Store and Google Play Store.
VOPAsoft Application - for tracking and recording the expenses of your vehicle fleet.
Take control of your fleet, manage and reduce the costs of your vehicle fleet… VOPAsoft is a web app (mobile responsive) that allows you to have real-time insights into the status and costs of your vehicle fleet from any device.
- Vehicle profiles (cars, trucks, work machinery)
- Driver profiles
- Alerts for upcoming services (based on time or mileage) – in-app notifications and email alerts
- Alerts for registration expiration and other issues (such as inspection due, periodic checks, etc.) – in-app notifications and email alerts
- Vehicle assignments
- PRINTING TRAVEL LOGS (PN3 and PN4) – travel logs are automatically populated with data from vehicle profiles and assignments.
- Customizable service creation
- Fuel filling records
- Cost statistics by vehicle, driver, service, replaced item, fuel consumption (total consumption, average consumption, total liters, total money spent), by branch, combined, etc. HERE ARE SOME OF THE APPLICATION FEATURES BRIEFLY EXPLAINED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TRY THE APPLICATION FOR FREE AND EXPERIENCE IT IN ACTION, PLEASE CONTACT US AT or CALL 063 448 957 (also available on WhatsApp and Viber).
MANGONEsoft - Web App/Mobile App for commercial travelers and sales representatives
MANGONEsoft -If you would like to receive information about the MANGONEsoft web app/mobile app, contact us via our email or phone number at the bottom of the page!
Programiranje/Izrada softwarea
Razvijamo cjelovita softverska rješenja prema potrebama klijenata. Izrađujemo programe prilagođene Vašem poslovanju, Vašim poslovnim ciljevima, Vašim potrebama. Također nudimo gotova softverska rješenja – RaPTiS (Računalni program za trgovinu i skladište), VOPAsoft (web app/mobile app za evidenciju i statistike voznog parka), MANGONEsoft (web app/mobile app – softversko rješenje za trgovačke putnike/komercijaliste). Tehnologije koje koristimo pri izradi naših softverskih rješenja su: Visual Basic, C, C#, C++, PHP, Java, Java Script, CSS, HTML, Microsoft SQL server database, MySQL, Postgresql, Symfony framework…
RaPTiS- Računalni program za trgovinu i skladište
RaPTiS – Računalni program za trgovinu i skladište zadovoljava sve Vaše potrebe u Vašem poslovanju. RaPTiS je prilagodljivi robno materijalni program uz kojeg cete imati jednostavan uvid u stanje na skladištu, izdate račune, popis dužnika, popis klijenata, popis dobavljača, potpunu evidenciju u: utrošena sredstva, naplatu, povrat nabavljene robe, povrat prodane robe, maržu i mnoge druge opcije i izvještaje.
Raptis je multi user program što znači da može biti instaliran na većem broju računala u tvrtci koji su spojeni na isti server/bazu podataka. Što to konkretno znači : to znači da bilo kakva akcija/promjena (npr. prodaja artikla) napravljena na jednom računalu u tvrtci u istom tom trenutku odražava se na stanje koje je vidljivo na svim računalima u tvrtci (npr. količina tog prodanog artikla ce se odraziti na stanje na skladištu koje je vidljivo na svim računalima)
Izrada WEB stranica
Programiranje i dizajn web stranice prema željama klijenata. Sve web stranice koje izradimo su mobilno odzivne. Tehnologije koje koristimo pri izradi stranica su Wordpress (najrašireniji i najpoznatiji CMS), Symfony framework, HTML, CSS, PHP, Ajax, jQuery, Java, JavaScript, GO. Također nudimo uslugu hostinga web stranice, ali ukoliko imate već postojećeg hosting providera pobrinut ćemo se da Vašu web stranicu uploadamo na server vašeg hosting providera.
Izrada mobilnih aplikacija
Izrada iOS i Android mobilnih aplikacija, te podizanje istih na AppStore i na Trgovinu Play
VOPAsoft aplikacija - za praćenje i evidenciju troškova voznog parka
Kontrolirajte svoj vozni park, kontrolirajte i reducirajte troškove svog voznog parka…
VOPAsoft je Webb App (mobilno odzivna), pomoću koje možete sa bilo kojeg uređaja u svakom trenutku imati uvid u stanje i troškove vašeg voznog parka.
– Profil vozila (osobni automobili, kamioni, radni strojevi)
– Profil vozača
– Alarm o isteku bilo koje vrste servisa (vremenski i po prijeđenim kilometrima) -notifikacija u aplikaciji i obavijest na mail
– Alarm o isteku registracije i bilo koje vrste rješenja (bijeli papir, periodična itd) – notifikacija u aplikaciji i obavijest na mail
– Zaduženje vozila
– PRINTANJE PUTNIH NALOGA (PN3 i PN4) – u putne naloge se automatski popunjavaju podatci iz profila vozila i zaduženja vozila.
– Kreiranje servisa po vašim potrebama
– Evidencija točenja goriva
– Statistike troškova po vozilu, po vozaču, po servisu, po zamjenjenom artiklu, po potrošnji goriva (ukupna potrošnja, prosječna potrošnja, ukupno litara, ukupno novca potrošeno), po poslovnici, kombinirano itd.
MANGONEsoft - WebAPP/mobile APP za trgovačke putnike komercijaliste
MANGONEsoft – uskoro opširnije…
Ukoliko želite dobiti informacije o MANGONEsoft web aplikaciji/mobilnoj aplikaciji kontaktirajte nas na naš email ili br telefona u dnu stranice!
Recent Projects
Computer program for trade and warehouse. Inventory management software that makes your business simple.
VOPAsoft – Web App/Mobile App for fleet tracking and management. By using the VOPAsoft application, you will reduce the costs of your vehicle fleet.
MANGONEsoft – Web App/Mobile Android App for commercial travelers/sales representatives. The MANGONEsoft application includes a server-side/console for controlling sales representatives, receiving orders, monitoring the efficiency of sales representatives, and many more features. It also has a client-side (Android mobile app) for creating orders, party requests, contracts, customers, and many other functionalities, etc.
Some of the numerous users of our services
Recent projects
Računalni program za trgovinu i skladište. Robno materijalni program koji Vaše poslovanje čini jednostavnim.
VOPAsoft – Webb APP/mobile APP za evidenciju i praćenje voznog parka. Koristenjem VOPAsoft aplikacije reducirat ćete troškove voznog parka.
MANGONEsoft – Web App/Mobile Android App for commercial travelers/sales representatives. The MANGONEsoft application includes a server-side/console for controlling sales representatives, receiving orders, monitoring the efficiency of sales representatives, and many more features. It also has a client-side (Android mobile app) for creating orders, party requests, contracts, customers, and many other functionalities, etc.